Dr Mark Moore MD
Tallahassee's Anesthesiologist

ASK DR.MOORE May 21, 2004


Dr. Mark Moore, best-selling author of the gender selection book Baby Girl or Baby Boy--Choose the Sex of Your Child, answers readers' questions on pregnancy and pediatrics.


Newborn and Sibling Preschooler Colds
Q: I have a 3-year-old preschooler and now a 2-week-old baby. How do we keep the baby from catching the coughs and colds her older sis gets from school?

Dr.Moore: Recognize that the number one diagnosis for doctor’s office visits is URI or upper respiratory infection. The most common spread of these germs is via droplet (coughing) and contact (germs spread by hand to mouth or nose). Teach preschooler to cover their mouth when they cough, wash hands frequently, keep their hands and fingers out of their mouth. A healthy diet and proper sleep will help your child avoid colds that can spread to the little one. I’m sure your pediatrician advised you to limit outdoor exposure of the newborn for the first four to six weeks. This limits the baby’s exposure to other people and the germs they carry. Mama should be careful to do the same. Antibacterial wipes work well on the go, when no soap and water is available.

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Anesthesia and Nausea
Q: I've had severe nausea and vomiting the last two times I was put to sleep, but my friend who had a similar procedure did not. Is it the anesthesia or is it me?

Dr.Moore: It may be a little of both. There are many factors that influence post-operative nausea and vomiting (PONV) including, but not limited to: surgery type, anesthesia type, patient susceptibility, and patient medical history. Certain surgeries are more likely to cause PONV. Eye surgery and ENT procedures are particularly notorious, as are those involving peritoneal "open abdomen". Joint surgery can also be very stimulating to the nausea trigger zones of the brain.
Most general anesthesia gases cause some level of PONV, although this is reduced by anti-nausea medications given during surgery. Newer intravenous anesthetics cause less nausea than the gases, but are not always applicable to the surgery type scheduled. Individual patient susceptibility can be a factor, and as one ages, this seems to worsen. To lessen PONV after your next surgery, try to eat light the day before surgery, and then post-op, eat more like a bird than a tiger. If you are "a little bit hungry" all day and at bedtime, you'll have less difficulties. Maintain hydration with clear liquids and avoid fatty or spicy foods. Minimizing your physical (and mental) activity will also help.

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