Dr Mark Moore

Mark Moore, MD
Tallahassee Anesthesiology, PA

About Diprovan

Propofol (Diprovan/Diprivan)


Diprifusor - Target Controlled Infusion (TCI) of Diprivan

Overview:Diprifusor is the first commercially available TCI system and has been developed to enhance the control of IV anaesthesia with Diprivan (propofol). The anaesthesia slides below provide detailed information regarding: Diprivan's pharmacokinetic properties, Clinical benefits of Diprivan, Target Controlled Infusion (TCI) benefits and systems, Diprifusor TCI clinical studies.

source: anaesthesia-az.com

About Diprivan | Propofol Product Presentation | Diprovan Technical Information
Diprivan Global Prescribing Information | Propofol TCI | Diprovan Dosage
Diprivan Indications | Diprifusor | Diprovan Pumps

common misspellings: diprovan, diporvan, deprovan, dipervan, dorprivan, propifol, prapofol, prapifol, propofil, propafil, porpofol, porpofil, propafol