An overview of Diprivan (propofol) dosage for different clinical
Diprivan (propofol) can be used in association with regional
anaesthesia (spinal and epidural) and with commonly used pre-medicants,
neuro-muscular blockers, inhalational agents and analgesics.
Lower doses of Diprivan (propofol) may be required where general
anaesthesia is used as an adjunct to regional anaesthesia techniques.
Dosage for Adults
Induction of General Anaesthesia
Diprivan (propofol) 1% may be used by slow bolus injection
or infusion.
Diprivan (propofol) 2% should be used by infusion and only
if the patient will also receive Diprivan (propofol) 2% for
maintenance of anaesthesia.
Diprivan (propofol) should be titrated against patient response.
Patient Type Adult <55yrs Dose Rate Approximately 40mg/10s
Approximate dose 1.5-2.5mg/kg
Patient Type Adult>55yrs generally require a lower dose.
Patient Type ASA III or IV Dose Rate Approximately 20mg/10s
Approximate Dose 1.5-2.5mg/kg
Maintenance of General Anaesthesia
Anaesthesia can be maintained by repeat bolus injections or
by continuous infusion.
Continuous Infusion;*
Diprivan (propofol) 1% or 2% 4 - 12mg/kg/hr
* Considerable inter-patient variation
Repeat Bolus Injections
Diprivan (propofol) 1% should be used in increments of 25-50mg
Sedation During Intensive Care
Diprivan (propofol) by continuous infusion is recommended.
Infusion rate should be adjusted according to required depth
of sedation.
0.3-4.0mg/kg/hr should provide satisfactory sedation.
Administration of Diprivan (propofol) by a Diprifusor TCI system
is not recommended for sedation during intensive care.
Conscious Sedation for Surgical and Diagnostic Procedures +
Initiation of Sedation : 0.5-1mg/kg over 1 - 5 mins.
Maintenance of Sedation : 1.5-4.5mg/kg/hr by infusion
10-20mg by bolus may be used if a rapid increase in depth of
sedation is required
+ Rates should be titrated to clinical response.
NB. ASA grades III and IV and elderly patients may require lower
doses and rates of administration.
Administration of Diprivan (propofol) by a Diprifusor TCI system
is not recommended for sedation during intensive care.
Dosage for Children
Diprivan (propofol) is not recommended for children less than
1 month old.
Induction of General Anaesthesia
Diprivan (propofol) should be given slowly and adjusted for
age and/or weight.
Age>8yrs Approximate Dose 2.5mg/kg
Age <8yrs may require an increased dosegreater than 2.5mg/kg
Age ASA III or IV Approximate Dose <2.5mg/kg
Maintenance of General Anaesthesia
Diprivan (propofol) is not recommended for use in infants less
than 1 month old.
Diprivan (propofol) 1% and 2% can be used by infusion.
Only Diprivan (propofol) 1% should be used if repeat bolus
injections are used.
Required rate of administration is in the region of 9-15mg/kg/hr.
Diprivan (propofol) is not yet licensed for use in children
for conscious sedation for surgical and diagnostic procedures
or during intensive care. It is also not licensed to be given
through the TCI route.
NOTE: For full details of product indications see local prescribing