Dr Mark Moore

Mark Moore, MD
Tallahassee Anesthesiology, PA

About Diprovan

Propofol (Diprovan/Diprivan) TCI

Administration of Dipivan (propofol) through TCI is currently restricted to induction and maintenance of general anaesthesia in adults. It is not recommended for use in ICU sedation or concious sedation, or in children.

Diprivan (propofol) may be administered by TCI only with a `Diprifusor` TCI system incorporating `Diprifusor` TCI software.

See the Diprifusor Monograph for more information.

Target control should be titrated against patient response to achieve required depth of anaesthesia. Guidelines are given below.

Induction of Anaesthesia

Patient Type
Adult <55yrs

Target Blood Propofol Concentration

Initial target of 4mcg/mL for premedicated patients. Initial target of 6mcg/mL for unpremedicated patients

Patient Type
Adult >55yrs and ASA III/IV

Lower initial target should be used. Target concentrations can be increased in steps of 0.5-1.0mcg/mL over 1 minute intervals

Maintenance of Anaesthesia Target Blood Propofol Concentration

Can be reduced by supplementary analgesia requirements

Patient Type

Target Blood Propofol Concentration

NOTE: For full details of product indications see local prescribing information

source: anaesthesia-az.com

About Diprivan | Propofol Product Presentation | Diprovan Technical Information
Diprivan Global Prescribing Information | Propofol TCI | Diprovan Dosage
Diprivan Indications | Diprifusor | Diprovan Pumps

common misspellings: diprovan, diporvan, deprovan, dipervan, dorprivan, propifol, prapofol, prapifol, propofil, propafil, porpofol, porpofil, propafol